► C. Loschi, C. Pagano (2022), "Regarder au-delà des élections : l'historicité complexe de la participation politique dans la Libye contemporaine." L’Année du Maghreb, 28, vol. 2, pp. 83-108.
► C. Loschi, C. Pagano (2021), "La Libye en 2020: entre guerre civile, crises humanitaires et tentatives de réconciliation." L’Année du Maghreb, 26, pp. 215 – 240.
► Ayata, B., Cupers, K., Pagano, C., Fyssa, A. & Dia, A. (2021). "The Implementation of the EU Hotspot Approach in Greece and Italy: A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Analysis. Working Paper." Swiss Network for International Studies. Infrastructure Space and the Future of Migration Management: The EU Hotspots in the Mediterranean Borderscape.
► C. Pagano (April 2020), “From national threat to oblivion. Erasing migrants from public discourse in Italy during COVID-19.” Eurozine.
► C. Pagano (2020), “Shall we speak of an Arab-Berber Libya? Towards an interconnected history of Tripolitania’s social groups (1911-1922)”, A.M. Di Tolla, V. Schiattarella (eds.), Libya between History and Revolution: Resilience and New Narrations of Berber Identity, Studi Africanistici. Quaderni di Studi Berberi, n.7, Naples: UniorPress, pp. 37-66.
► C. Pagano (2019), “La Tripolitania coloniale e il ‘Mondo Musulmano’ all’inizio del XX secolo: prove di autogoverno tra anticolonialismo e panislamismo," [Early XX Century’s Colonial Tripolitania and the ‘Muslim World’: Self-government Experiences Between Anticolonialism and Panislamism]. Afriche e Orienti, n. 2, pp. 69-90;
► C. Pagano (2018), “The Amazigh Issue in Post-Qadhdhāfi's Libya: mobilizing history for occupying a political vacuum.” Afriche e Orienti, n. 3, pp. 57-71.