Alexandra Bogos, LL.M.
Alexandra Bogos is the principal researcher for Subproject 1 within Research Unit 1, where she investigates EU policies, procedures and legislative frameworks which enact and enable elastic borders. She is also a doctoral candidate in Law and Politics at the University of Graz.
Alexandra is an expert on borders and externalization in Greece and the Western Balkans as a result of her five-year experience working with people on the move and documenting pushbacks, most recently with the Border Violence Monitoring Network. In her role as legal advocacy coordinator, she engaged various legal mechanisms to recognize the practice of “pushbacks” as a pervasive practice used in border management that entails a range of human rights violations. She is the author of a number of third-party interventions and reports submitted under the organization’s umbrella. She also coordinated the creation of the only existent database on legal action against pushbacks, compiling cases and judgments from international tribunals and national courts with a border element.
Alexandra obtained her bachelor degree in law from the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, “Simion Barnutiu” Faculty of Law (Romania, 2011). Her thesis focused on the European protection of human rights and the protection conferred to the freedom of thought, conscience and religion by the European Convention on Human Rights and by the case law of the Court. She is an alumni of Maastricht University (the Netherlands, 2014) and University of Antwerp (Belgium, 2014) majoring in EU law and international public law. She was awarded the certificate for Comparative European and International Law from Antwerp.
Alexandra is a graduate of the International University College of Turin (Italy, 2015) and its Refugee Law Clinic. She obtained her second LL.M. diploma in an interdisciplinary Masters programme with an analytical focus on migration, globalization and EU law.